Chères et chers collègues, l’appel à communications, ci-joint, pour le colloque « De quoi sémio est-il le nom ? L’apport des SIC à la sémiotique » (Université de Liège, 13-15 septembre 2023) est prolongé jusqu’au 15 janvier 2023. Cet appel est ouvert à tou-tes les spécialistes de la communication, et non aux seul-es sémiologues et sémioticien-nes. Le…
Call for papers: Conference “Contemporary Umwelt Analysis: Applications for Culture and Ecological Relations” (18-19 April, 2023, University of Tartu, Estonia)
Umwelt analysis, initially proposed by Jakob von Uexküll, revolutionised studies on animal behaviour and perception by targeting them as semiotic phenomena, that is, based on meanings and signs. In the Institute of Umwelt research in Hamburg, of which Uexküll was the director, umwelt theory served as a shared theoretical ground for research on topics as…
Call for papers: 13th Annual Lotman Conference at Tallinn University, “Fear in Culture and Culture of Fear” (15–17 June 2023)
Fear plays an important role in human culture on the individual as well as on the collective level serving as one of the constraints that regulates people’s choices and behaviour.However, at times the mechanism of fear seems to spiral out of control, and fear spreads like an epidemic infecting meaning-making processes in various areas of…
Appel à articles: revue Visible, numéro 12
Cher.e.s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la reprise de la publication de la revue Visible, initialement parue sur support papier, en version numérique, aux Presses universitaires de Limoges (PULIM), en fin d’année2023.Les 11 numéros publiés de 2005 à 2014 seront disponibles sur ce support numérique. En prévision du numéro 12, un Appel à…
Call for papers: Special issue of Punctum 9:1 (2023) “The Meaning of Collections between Media and Practices” (Guest editors: Gabriele Marino and Bruno Surace)
In 2009, in an essay that was to become famous, Umberto Eco associated the list with a kind of dizzying, vertigo-like semiotic mode of accumulation and categorization. The list, the catalog, the register, the inventory, are indeed quasi-synonyms, all united by their belonging to a specific semantic area: they refer to a set of things,…
CfP: Digital Transformation of Education: Semiotic and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Digital Transformation of Education: Semiotic and Interdisciplinary Perspectives The advent of the internet and digital technologies in general has wrought deep changes to the socio-cultural tissue in almost every part of the world and societies. At the same time literacy might be seen as the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way…
Appel pour le colloque: “De quoi sémio est-il le nom?” (13, 14 et 15 septembre 2023)
Chères et chers collègues, j’ai le plaisir d’annoncer l’appel à communications, ci-joint, pour le colloque « De quoi sémio est-il le nom ? L’apport des SIC à la sémiotique », qui se tiendra à l’université de Liège les 13, 14 et 15 septembre 2023. Les propositions de communication sont attendues pour le 15 décembre 2022. N’hésitez pas…
Call for papers: DeSignis, 18 “Cocina, gusto y mediatización” (Hors serie 3)
El número 18 de deSignis, titulado “Comer, beber, hablar. Semióticas culinarias” y coordinado por Oscar Traversa (con la colaboración de Gustavo Aprea y Gastón De Lazzari), proponía en el año 2011 un enfoque semiótico de la cultura alimentaria, la gastronomía y las prácticas a ellas vinculadas. Más de diez años después, el tema se ha…