CFP: Semiotic Society of America 41st Annual Meeting, Sept 28 – Oct 02, Delray Beach, Florida

CFP: Semiotic Society of America 41st Annual Meeting, Sept 28 – Oct 02, Delray Beach, Florida

Call For Papers Semiotic Society of America 41st Annual Meeting September 28–October 2, 2016 / Delray Beach, Florida The Semiotic Society of America welcomes abstracts on any subject with a connection to semiotics. We apply semiotic theories and insights to disciplines as diverse as anthropology, the arts, biology, cognitive science, communication, cybernetics, education, ethics, law,…

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CFP: Youtube Conference

YouTube Conference: Call for Papers 23/4 September 2016, Middlesex University, The Burroughs, Hendon, London. Keynote speaker: Professor Jean Burgess Please send an abstract of 350 words plus a short bio of 100 words for single papers or 500 words and individual bios for group panels by email attachment to <> . Deadline for receipt…

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CFP: Special section of the Chinese Journal of Semiotic Studies devoted to Peirce

A special section of the Chinese Journal of Semiotic Studies devoted to Peirce, his work, and his contributions to semiotics and logic is being organized by Charls Pearson. Papers must be unpublished, in English and the topic must pertain to Peirce’s theory of inquiry and/or his semiotics. Deadlines: 2016-03-31 for an abstract 2016-04-30 for the full paper…

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CFP: International Symposium – Technologies of Law and Religion

Technologies of Law and Religion: Representation, Objects and Agency We invite proposals for papers at an international symposium over three days, including two days of papers, in a plenary roundtable format, and a one day tour of Prato and Florence where Italian specialists in art, architecture, technology and planning will illustrate the symposium’s themes in…

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CFP: International Conference – Semiosis in Communication, Knowing and Learning – Bucharest

CFP: International Conference – Semiosis in Communication, Knowing and Learning – Bucharest

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SEMIOSIS IN COMMUNICATION Knowing and Learning BUCHAREST, 16-18 JUNE, 2016 Conference description The first edition of the International Conference Semiosis in Communication: knowing and learning will be organized by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania (NUPSPA) in participation with Roehampton University (London), UK and under the auspices of…

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CFP: Semiofest Tallinn 2016

CFP: Semiofest Tallinn 2016

Semiofest Tallinn 2016 is waiting for paper proposals until Feb 1, 2016 Semiofest Tallinn venue is a reminder of powerful transitions and the spirit of Tarkovsky’s “Stalker” Semiofest Tallinn will open registration on Jan 27, 2016. Dear friends of Semiofest, Please do not forget to post your proposal for Semiofest Tallinn 2016, We expect you…

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CFP: 4th volume of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics

CFP: 4th volume of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics  Call for papers: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol.IV The International Journal of Marketing Semiotics is an open-source, double blind-reviewed academic journal that covers a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary marketing/semiotics research streams, spanning: – Conceptual approaches to the 5 P’s by drawing on different semiotic perspectives (Peircean, structuralist, post-structuralist, sociosemiotics, cultural, textual, visual, multimodal)….

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World Conference “DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILISATIONS” – Krakow, Poland

We would like to invite you to participate in the Series 1 of the World Conference “DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILISATIONS” Krakow, Poland 7-9 September 2016. The concept of the World Conference “DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILISATIONS” refersto the idea developed by the Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Science,Warsaw, following the proclamation of the General Assembly of the United…

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CFP: Lexia Journal of Semiotics n. 24

Call for Papers Lexia n. 24 Semiotics of Virality: For an Epidemiology of Meaning. Download full Call for Papers in four languages: Lexia-24-CFP-Semiotics-Virality-2016 Lexia, the international, peer–reviewed journal of CIRCe, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Torino, Italy, invites contributions to be published in issue n. 24 of the new series….

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CFP: Semiofest 2016 Tallinn

CFP: Semiofest 2016 Tallinn

Semiofest 2016 Tallinn: “Semiotics and Culture of Innovation” Facebook:  Semiofest Tallinn 2016 will explore one of the most important problems facing countries, economies and entrepreneurs alike by asking how semiotic thinking can be applied to foster innovation. How can we contribute to build a culture of innovation? We invite you to present your…

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