Call for papers InMediaciones de la Comunicación Vol. 20 / N° 2 La mediatización del rostro : Arte, identidades, política e inteligencia artificial en la contemporaneidad Los estudios sobre el rostro tienen una larga tradición en el campo de la antropología, la filosofía, el arte, la semiótica, la informática. ¿Qué significancias les otorgan los semblantes…
Appel à Communication – Semioetparti : Journées d’études Sémiotique et participation
Semioetparti : Journées d’études Sémiotique et participation 11-12 févr. 2025 Rennes (France) Le statut actuel de la sémiotique dans la société est plutôt marginal, et c’est l’un de ses nombreux paradoxes (Gaines 2015). La sémiotique est paradoxale parce qu’elle traite de tous les aspects de la signification, elle est pertinente pour tous les domaines d’enquête…
On December 11, 2024, the IInternational Center for Semiotics and Intercultural DialogueState Academic University for the Humanities and the Center for Interdisciplinary Research M. I. Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (Moscow) will host an international conference on the theme “Semiotics as a Discipline Dedicated to Culture.” The conference organizers aim to explore the phenomenon…
14th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS) along with the 15th Annual Lotman Days, titled “Creativity – Complexity – Intelligence“
We are pleased to announce that The 14th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS) along with the 15th Annual Lotman Days, titled “Creativity – Complexity – Intelligence“ will take place June 11-13, 2025 in Tallinn, Estonia. Confirmed plenary speakers are Terrence Deacon (University of California, Berkeley, USA), Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi (University of Warsaw,…
Call for Papers – Filosofi(e)Semiotiche
Call Vol 11 n. 2, 2024 CALL FOR PAPERS Viral Blame. Shifting Responsibility in Media Discourses Editor: Marianna Boero, University of Teramo (Italy) Cristina Greco, Zayed University (U.A.E.) Submission Deadline: November 30, 2024 Notification of acceptance: December 15, 2024 Publication date: December 31, 2024 Contributions must be sent to the e-mail addresses: In line…
Studia Semiotyczne” – calls for papers 2025
On behalf of the Polish Semiotic Society and prof. Tadeusz Ciecierski – editor-in-chief of “Studia Semiotyczne” (_Semiotic Studies_) I would like to bring your attention to the new Calls for Papers for articles submission to “Studia Semiotyczne” 2025: 1) SEMIOTICS, ARTS AND REALITY Deadline for submissions: the end of January 2025 (guest editor Małgorzata Gamrat)…
Call for Papers – Nanjing Normal University Semiotics Symposium 2025
Nanjing Normal University Semiotics Symposium 2025 Announcement & Call for Paper (November 1, 2024) Call for Papers (Download) Pre-registratrion form (Download) Following the success of the NNU Semiotics Symposium on “Releasing the Meaning of Literary Language: The Confluence of Literature, Cognitive Sciences, and Semiotics” (June 15th–16th, 2024), we are pleased to announce that our next…
Call for Papers “THE CULTURAL EXPLOSION OF AI: Navigating the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Society, and Culture”
Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication Issue 8 . Artificial intelligence has burst into the cultural space with the speed of an explosion. As with any powerful explosion, its initial impact is a spectacular blinding flash, followed by a shock wave with real effects. Perhaps we are still at the very beginning, but often the…
Appel à Contributions: Actes Sémiotiques, N° 133, “Le chaînon manquant entre langue et parole. Pour une sémiotique des normes”
Cher.e.s collègues, cher.e.s ami.e.s, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer l’Appel à articles lancé pour le numéro 133 des Actes Sémiotiques, intitulé Le chaînon manquant entre langue et parole. Pour une sémiotique des normes, coordonné par Giuditta Bassano et moi-même. Vous trouverez l’argumentaire en français, italien, espagnol et anglais en cliquant sur le lien Les propositions d’articles (entre 300 et 500 mots…