Stemming from ERC Project FACETS (Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies), led by CYAS 2020/21 Senior Fellow Massimo LEONE, the symposium revolves on the intersection between the face and the fake, with particular attention to new digital technologies of communication and artificial intelligence.
Graduate Seminar: “The Semiotics of Artificial Intelligence”, University of Turin / Shanghai University (Shanghai, 21 June – 2 July, 2021)
Graduate Seminar, Shanghai University Massimo LEONE & FACETS, University of Turin / Shanghai University Shanghai, 21 June 2021 – 2 July 2021 Seminar Contents Artificial intelligence is increasingly present in contemporary human existence. Its applications are everywhere, in private as well as in public life, in entertainment as well as in education. The course aims…
Séminaire International de Sémiotique à Paris (séance du 31 mars)
La prochaine séance du séminaire international de sémiotique à Paris aura lieu le mercredi 31 mars à partir de 13h 45 en ligne. Le séminaire s’intitule: ROLES ACTANTIELS ET HORIZONS ECOLOGIQUES DES FORMES DE VIE. PARADOXES ET PIECES MANQUANTES DANS LE PARADIGME ECOLOGIQUE (II) Nous écouterons: – Sémir Badir (FNRS – Université de Liège), «Écologie…
Symposium “Facing Narratives: Tales of the Visage across Cultures” (Virtual), January 29, 2021
FRIAS, Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies Stemming from ERC Project FACETS (Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies), led by FRIAS 2020/21 Senior Fellow Massimo LEONE, the symposium revolves on how the human face acquires specific cultural meaning in narratives, in literature, through visual means, and in present-day digital simulacra. The visage is the most important…
Round Table: New normality, new life forms: Semiotics and Pandemic (Virtual), Moscow (January 23, 2021)
State Academic University for the Humanities, MoscowInternational Center for Semiotics and Intercultural Dialogue in collaboration with the Center for Franco-Russian Studies Under the Auspices of the International Association for Semiotic StudiesIASS-AIS ROUND TABLENew normality, new life forms: Semiotics and Pandemic Nouvelles normalités, nouvelles formes de vie : sémiotique et pandémieNueva normalidad, nuevas formas de vida:…
Call for papers: 45th Annual Conference (Virtual) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (October 20-23, 2021)
Addressing Precarity: Semiotics, Semiosis, and Semioethics The 45th Annual Conference (Virtual)Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, October 20-23, 2021 The theme for this year’s conference is Addressing Precarity: Semiotics, Semiosis, and Semioethics. The conference centers on considering precarity through the framework of semiotics. Presenters are encouraged to develop panels and submissions that consider semiosis, semioethics, and precarity. As…
Postponement: 45th Annual Conference of the Semiotic Society of America
Dear Colleagues and Friends This email hopes to find all of you well and safe. Our thoughts and concern are with all of you as we navigate this worldwide crisis. Your health and well-being are of the utmost importance to us, and for that reason, in consultation with the program committee, we have decided to…
3rd. World Congress of Transdisciplinarity (Mexico City, october 26-30, 2020)
Due to the continued demand for registrations, the deadline is extended to March 31, 2020.Shortly, the link to pay the registration will be enabled the term to cover it is extended to April 20, 2020. For more information about the Congress, go to their website.
Rescheduling Announcement: 3rd. International Conference. Semiosis in Communication 2020 (Bucharest, 4-6 june)
Rescheduling Announcement In response to the global outbreak of COVID-19: The Organising Committee of the International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Culture, Communication and Social Change (3 rd edition), 4-6 June, 2020, Bucharest (Romania), would like to announce a rescheduling of the event until the spring of 2021. The new period for this event will be…