Call for papers: “Traces of Extinction: Species Loss, Solastalgia, and Semiotics of Recovery” (5-7 June 2024 / Tartu, Estonia)

Dear Friends in semiotics !

We would like to invite you to the conference “Traces of Extinction: Species Loss, Solastalgia, and Semiotics of Recovery” (University of Tartu, Estonia, 5-7 June 2024). The aim of the event is to discuss mass extinction from different perspectives: as a subjective experiential process, as a breakdown of semiosis, as an impoverishment of nature-cultures. In this context, our aim is to find ways in which creative culture and artistic research can raise awareness of and mitigate species extinction. The deadline for submissions is 1 December. More information is available on the CFP and conference website.

Hope to see you in Tartu in June,

Timo Maran

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