Call for papers: Special issue of Chinese Semiotic Studies – “The visage as text. Physiognomy, Semiotics, and Face-Reading from Antiquity to Artificial Intelligence” (Remo Gramigna and Massimo Leone, Editors)
Physiognomy, Semiotics, and Face-Reading
from Antiquity to Artificial Intelligence
Corresponding editor, Remo Gramigna: (University of Turin), Turin, Italy, E-mail:
Editor, Massimo Leone: (University of Turin, University of Shanghai, Cambridge University, Bruno Kessler Foundation), Turin, Italy, E-mail:
This call results from a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant Agreement No 819649–FACETS)
All submissions to this special issue of Chinese Semiotics Studies will undergo doubleblind peer review. Here is the expected publication schedule for this volume:
June 15, 2022: deadline for contributions (full papers).
Contributions should be sent to Dr. Remo Gramigna and Prof. Massimo Leone.
July 30, 2022: deadline for referees.
November 30, 2022: deadline for submitting amended versions of the contributions.
Early 2023: publication of the volume.
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