Call for Papers – Filosofi(e)Semiotiche

Call Vol 11 n. 2, 2024


Viral Blame. Shifting Responsibility in Media Discourses


Marianna Boero, University of Teramo (Italy)

Cristina Greco, Zayed University (U.A.E.)

Submission Deadline: November 30, 2024

Notification of acceptance: December 15, 2024

Publication date: December 31, 2024

Contributions must be sent to the e-mail addresses:

In line with the previous call for papers and to expand the discussion on the complex dynamics surrounding the perceptions of reality through media discourses, this call invites contributions that explore how media discourses based on actual or not-real facts could lead to public humiliation, shifting of responsibility and distorting the perception of events, actors and emotions involved. By adopting a semiotic approach and encouraging an interdisciplinary perspective, the call aims to focus on how media discourses construct meanings that reinforce pre-existing ideologies and prevailing stereotypes, creating a narrative that negatively affects public opinion.

Furthermore, the call encourages studies on the role of public blame as a tool for social control and the impact of digital media in the circulation of wrong conceptions. This would show how media-constructed identities can exacerbate and perpetuate power imbalances by distorting reality and falsifying evidence.

For example, media discourses that depict gender-based violence can contribute to the construction of a culture where violence and victim-blaming are normalized or excused.

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