Call for papers: Critical Arts. South-north cultural and media studies

Call for papers: Post-doctoral recruitment

Critical Arts is a peer-reviewed journal publishing 6 issues a year. Three of the six numbers are reserved for general issues and single submissions. Three are allocated to theme issues.

In collaboration with the National Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS), Critical Arts calls for submissions from post-doctoral researchers. Qualifying articles will be published in a double issue scheduled for late 2022 or early 2023. Conducted under the management of a skilled supervising editor, Critical Arts will offer on-the-job publication training, and is intended to introduce new scholars to the international scholarly publishing environment.

One outcome will be practice-led learning by up to 20 emergent South African university-based post-doctoral authors for the double issue, embracing the entire publishing value chain, from submission to promotion, delivering articles to international readerships.

Critical Arts encourages conceptual freshness, textured writing, and experiential analysis, which draws readers into its articles, narrative themes and theoretical explorations.

Critical Arts encourages articles that influence the ways in which disciplines think about themselves. Our niche includes critical dialogues generated within the South-North and East- West relationships, with special reference to Africa.

Critical Arts includes amongst its authors original articles by Nobel Laureates J. M. Coetzee and Nadine Gordimer. Also published have been Stuart Hall, Ntongela Masilela, Leora Farber, Stacy Vorster, Handel Kashope Wright, Nhamo Mhiripiri, Jeff Sehume, Nicky Falkoff, Francis Lukhele and many others from the African diaspora, and it has included graduate students as authors and as editorial coordinators. Critical Arts is subscribed to by over 13 000 university and other libraries in South Africa, Africa, the USA and Europe via Routledge and UNISA Press, and partners also with National Inquiry Scholarly Services, Makhanda.

Submission Guidelines:

Submissions should be made online via ScholarOne Manuscripts at Submissions should be original works not simultaneously submitted elsewhere, between 5000 to 7000 words in length. Referencing should be done according to the Chicago Manual of Style.


300-500 words, by 10 September 2021.

An editorial committee will assess the proposals received, and make an initial selection.

Authors whose proposals are approved will be contacted by: 30 September 2021 Qualifying authors will have up to 6 months to write their papers, but many post-doctoral authors may already have articles resulting from work in progress that could be submitted earlier.

We will require proof that authors are currently registered (or recently completed) as post- doctoral students/fellows, located only at South African public universities during the years 2020-2022.

The peer review process can take anything between a few weeks and a few months, depending on the availability of reviewers, but we will work with a list of rotating post- doctoral supervisors, in conjunction with the editorial board where possible to speed up the process.

The articles accepted for publication must have been completed and approved by the journal within the year that the project is scheduled, starting 1 August 2021. Publication will occur towards the end of 2022. Authors who miss the year schedule can re-submit to a later number, in which case article processing charges will apply. The project’s budget will sponsor the article processing charges of authors included in the special issue.

Qualifying authors will be invited to participate in training workshops run by the journal, involving the publisher, Taylor & Francis and other partners, on aspects of publishing and article promotion (i.e., science communication). These will extend to short articles for The Conversation (summarising article content), and the ANFASA Magazine (discussing writing processes), amongst others.

Potential authors are encouraged to access Critical Arts articles via their institutional libraries to familiarise themselves on the journal.
Further information can be obtained from the supervising editor Dr Julie Grant) at: or editorial coordinator at:

The project leader is Prof Keyan G Tomaselli, co-editor, University of Johannesburg.

Dates to remember:

August 2021: Call for papers circulated
Sept 10, 2021: Abstract submission
Selection of 20 Abstracts for full paper invitation: 30 Sept

Full paper submission: 15 March or sooner. Submissions will be processed as and when they are submitted. There is no need for authors to wait for the deadline.
April 30, 2022: First round of peer review completed.
June 1: 2022: Revision deadline

July 1, 2022: Submission of accepted papers for copyediting, production and queuing. October 2022 or thereabouts: publication of double issue (up to 20 papers)

Indexes listing Critical Arts:
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) [Web of Science]; Scopus, ProQuest IBSS, Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Alternative Press Index; ARTBibliographies; British Humanities Index; Film Literature Index; Humanities International Index; Index to South African Periodicals; International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance; Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts; M L A International Bibliography; Periodicals Index Online; R I L M Abstracts of Music Literature. By virtue of first three indexes listed, Critical Arts is DHET approved.
Critical Arts URLS
Author Services
Critical Arts Home Page Access via your institutional library
eJournals Archive (1980- 1992) These are open access

1 August 2021

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