Call for papers: Bakhtiniana. Journal of Discourse Studies
Call for Papers
Bakhtiniana. Journal of Discourse Studies
Bakhtiniana. Revista de Estudos do Discurso
ISSN 2176-4573
The Soviet and the Post-Soviet in Dialogue with (Post-/De-)Colonial Studies
O Soviético e o pós-Soviético em diálogo com os estudos (pós/de)coloniais
Laura Gherlone (UCA/CONICET – Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina)
Pietro Restaneo (ILIESI/CNR – Institute for the European Intellectual Lexicon and History of Ideas, National Research Council, Italy)
We invite the semiotic community to nurture the reflection on the topic: “The Soviet and the Post-Soviet in Dialogue with (Post-/De-)Colonial Studies”.
We encourage to submit articles that explore encounters, possible dialogues and cross-fertilization between (post-/de-)colonial studies and the intellectual and cultural history of the Soviet and post-Soviet world.
Papers that adopt semiotics, linguistics, literature, literary theory and discourse analysis as a perspective of inquiry are especially suitable; however, we warmly welcome works from other approaches such as history, philosophy, political and media studies.
Possible contributions could deal with (but are not limited to):
- the study of a Soviet author/text/school and its possible relevance within the colonial discourse;
- the history of the relationship between the Soviet world and the anti-colonial movements and theories;
- the relevance of Soviet history of language ideas to contemporary discourse on coloniality;
- minority literature and other “marginal” cultural expressions/artefacts of the Soviet time analysed through the post-/de-colonial lens;
- contributions to Soviet theory in the analysis of coloniality;
- possible dialogues between Soviet theory and post-colonial/decolonial discourses;
- Soviet theory and (post-de)colonial theory analysing the post-Soviet world;
- well-grounded comparative analysis between the Soviet and the post-Soviet space and different geocultural contexts, by making use of the critique of colonialism/coloniality;
- the study of narratives and counternarratives about the present-day post-soviet area’s concerns (security, independence, etc.) according to a post-/de-colonial framework.
Due Date for the Manuscript Submission:
September 01, 2024.
Submission Rules for Authors:
*Please note* Accepted papers in English will be sent back to the author, who will, then, be required to provide a Portuguese version. If not Portuguese speakers, authors can contact the editors who can point them to affordable translation services.
Bakhtiniana is a fully open-access journal (CC-BY), without publications costs (APCs)
The journal is indexed by:
SciELO – Scientific Eletronic Library Online
Scopus -Elsevier
Web of Science
DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals
Latindex – Sistema regional de información en línea para revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal. Directorio, catálogo e índice.
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