Call for Papers: 22nd Annual Gatherings in Biosemiotics. Palacký University, Olomouc, Czechia (June 27th – July 1st, 2022)
We now have one month until the deadline for submissions.
Please send abstract submissions to no later than February 28th, 2022.
Celebrating 22 years of existence, the committee for the Gatherings in Biosemiotics welcomes abstract submissions for next year’s event, dealing with contributions and new developments in the field of biosemiotics as an interdisciplinary and international effort, supported by the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies (ISBS). The Gatherings in Biosemiotics opens a door to researchers interested in the interaction between biology, semiotics and the sciences of meaning in a collective effort to understand the value of signification for living organisms.
The increasing variety of methods and visions for biosemiotics makes the Gatherings in Biosemiotics an essential place of encounter for discussion, exposition and change in our knowledge of signification in biological processes. Researchers in biology, philosophy, psychology, linguistics, anthropology, cognitive science and other areas interested in meaning-making as a biological function are the backbone of this interdisciplinary undertaking, and we welcome submissions in any related area within the scope of the Gatherings. We particularly welcome conference presentations in the following research areas:
· Biosemiotic approaches to biology
· The implications of biosemiotics to philosophy and the humanities
· History and epistemology of biosemiotics
· Semiotic approaches in theoretical biology
· Evolution and ontogeny of semiotic mechanisms
· Modelling of semiosis and semiotic networks
· Endosemiotics
· Interspecies semiosis
· Experimental biosemiotics
· Zoosemiotics
· Ecosemiotics
· Cognitive Semiotics
· Biosemiotics of health and disease
· Umwelt studies and phenomenology
· Cultural implications of biosemiotics
· Biosemiotic background of linguistics
· Biosemiotic education
· Biosemiotics and ethology
· Evolution of semiosis
· Quantitative approaches to biosemiotics
· Philosophy of biosemiotics
Returning to Olomouc and hosted by Palacký University, the Gatherings in Biosemiotics 2022 will provide the interdisciplinary community of researchers in biosemiotics with a new point of encounter with complementing views on qualitative and quantitative aspects of biosemiotics, expanding the research tradition of the field into new, unexplored areas.
Abstracts should be 300-600 words, with your full name, email address and affiliation below the title, and submitted as single-space, single page files in the doc, docx, rtf, or odt formats (please do not send PDFs), with a maximum of three references permitted. All abstracts should be submitted to the following address: or to and received no later than 28 February 2022. Please name the file with your surname in capital letters, for example: SEBEOK.doc.
Presentations usually last 30 minutes, including questions.
Additional information about the Gathering can be found at
The organizer’s website can be found on
Invitation to Biosemiotics pre-gathering workshop
The Gatherings in Biosemiotics 2022 starts Monday June 27th, but over the weekend of the Saturday 25th and Sunday the 26th we’ll be holding a pre-gathering workshop for early arrivals. The science of biology is an intrinsic part of biosemiotics, but what tools of general semiotics are still relevant here? Interpretation is a key term, but the science of interpretation – that is hermeneutics – is sometimes overlooked. The workshop will be composed of lecture and discussion groups with an interest in the relevance of biosemiotics for discourse, the social and textual. We’ll review the interpretative methods that are still important for a field which incorporates more quantitative and empirical strategies year by year. The workshop is free of charge for all registered attendees of the conference. Credit options and funding are also available for graduate student attendees. Please indicate your interest within the email containing your abstract submission.
NB! Because of the unpredictable state of global health affairs, in the event of prohibitive travel restrictions the Gatherings in Biosemiotics 2022 is prepared to move to a hybrid or fully online platform, however we anticipate a fully in-person event, and we ask all prospective participants to be ready to travel, because we hope to see you in Olomouc in 2022!
The Organizing Committee of the 22nd Annual Gatherings in Biosemiotics
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