Call for Papers – 11th World Congress of Semiotics

The 11th World Congress of Semiotics

Call for Papers

▬▬ Global Semiotics: Bridging Different Civilizations ▬▬

Time: October 5 – 9, 2012

Location: Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China

July 11, 2011

The Preparatory Committee of “The 11th World Congress of Semiotics”

Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China

(The official website:

(Postal address: School of Foreign Languages & Cultures, Nanjing Normal University, No. 122, Ninghai Road, Nanjing 210097, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China)

Dear international semiotics colleagues,

The spirit of the 11th IASS Congress will be exhibited along two directions: the retrospective to the scholarly achievements attained over the past 40 years and the prospect for the desirable global-semiotic developments in future. On the whole, the coming-up congress will present a topography of current theoretical problematics facing global human sciences today.

In this second announcement of the Preparatory Committee of the 11th IASS Congress we present three lists of program sessions:

1. The list of the plenary speeches and speakers in the Congress;

2. The list of the round tables and sessions and the related organizers in the Congress;

3. The list of the round tables and organizers in the 1st Chinese Symposium on Semiotics (in Chinese, given here just for information for international colleagues).

In List No. 2 we present all items in terms of temporarily made thematic categories which intend to be used only by interested participants as the reference for registrations. The final list of items (round tables and sessions) and schedules can only be given after the registration process is finished till June 2012. There could be two kinds of participants: those who intend to present a paper in the Congress (so an abstract of 200 words or so is requested to be sent to the congress contact in advance); and those who only wish to join the activities during the Congress period. But both kinds of participants are requested to pay the same registration fee according to the rules.

With respect to the subjects of papers, all topics related to the basic fields mentioned in the first Call for Papers are acceptable; meanwhile, we especially encourage participants to join the sessions and round tables listed in the following table. Despite the rule that each paper reading is limited within 30 minutes, all papers presented will be included afterwards into the online Proceedings in a systematic format. In addition, some of the papers will be separately selected into the printed Proceedings for publication too.

Regarding the procedure of registration and other practical matters with respect to the participation please refer to the separate notices announced at the Congress Website. The related schedules and practical matters could be probably readjusted later according to the changing situations; please pay attention to the updating of news at the website.

●    For registration and abstract-presenting, please contact the vice secretary general of the Preparatory Committee:

Haihong Ji:

●    For presenting proposals for organizing new session activities, please contact the secretary general of the Preparatory Committee:

Yongxiang Wang:


The List and the Sequence of Plenary Speakers in

“The 11th World Congress of Semiotics” in 2012

(The Guest opening speech: 60 minutes;

all the other plenary speeches: 30 minutes for each)

Oct. 5

1.     (Germany) Bernhard Waldenfels (as the guest opening speaker): Signs and Phenomena. Phenomenological-Semiotic Considerations

2.     (France) Jacques Fontanille: The figures of the body and the semiotics of footprint

3.     (China) Zhuanglin Hu: Semiotics from the Systemic-Functional Perspective

Oct. 6

4.     (Finland) Eero Tarasti: Semiotics as the transcultural metalanguage

5.   (Japan) Yoshihiko IKEGAMI: Subject-Object Contrast and Subject-Object Merger in “Thinking for Speaking” — A Typology of Cognitive Processing in Linguistic Encoding and Its Homologues in Pictorial Encoding

6.     (Italy) Augusto Ponzio: Marxian Semiotics: a Historical and Theoretical Excursus in the European Sign Sciences

Oct. 7

7.     (China) Zhang Jie: Reception and Modification of Russian Semiotics in China

8.     (USA) John Deely: How zoosemiosis both permeates and is transcended by anthroposemiosis

9.     (Korea) Kim Sungdo: The writing, the body, the universe: semio-anthropological foundations of an extended grammatology

Oct. 8

10.   (Canada) Marcel Danesi: Semiotics at a Crossroads: Directions for the Survival of Semiotics as an Autonomous Discipline

11.   (Chinese-American) Youzheng Li:  Humanist Ethics and future of semiotics

12.   (Venezuela) José Enrique Finol: Semiotics of  body: skin, fashion, and pornography

Oct. 9

13.   (India) Seema Khanwalkar: Semiotics in India, the theoretical implications and it current status as a discipline of study

14.   (Italy) Susan Petrilli: The Critique of Phonocentricism, European Signatures

15.   (France) Anne Hénault: The theoretical problems to which the present state of research in visual semiotics gives rise


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