23-28 July 2023, Adrina Thermal Health & SPA Hotel, Güre/Edremit/Balıkesir TÜRKİYE
Semiotics is a science that interprets and generates signs and systematically studies all kinds of sign systems. The foundations of semiotics were laid at the beginning of the 20th century. This science, first initiated by linguists and logicians, developed by then and became a top discipline for almost all social sciences and humanities. Semiotics develops analysis methods for religious, scientific, political, ethical, legal, and economic texts, especially literary texts. Accordingly, different disciplines such as code studies, inter-code relations, anthropology, communication, advertising, architecture, design, tourism, gastronomy, radio and television, film studies, archaeology, zoology, and many other disciplines make use of the methods of semiotics while analyzing their own materials. This situation also clearly emphasizes the prevalence of semiotics in today’s world.
The interest in semiotics has been increasing gradually since the beginning of the 20th century. This state of growth and curiosity is also valid for our country. Semiotics was a method applied only to literature when it first appeared, but it became an independent branch of science within a hundred years after its foundation. Furthermore, a general overview of the studies on semiotics reveals that this science has a comprehensive theoretical infrastructure.
Semiotics, as mentioned above, is applied to diverse fields today. This situation is quite natural because semiotics is essentially a theory of communication and a science of signification. It is obvious that humanity cannot give up communication since they live together and there is constant communication among them. In this case, semiotics is needed in all periods. Based on the different communication models, the main objective of semiotics is to seek meaningful answers to questions: “How can meaningful structures be created?”, “How can these structures be transmitted to the receiver?” and “How can the receiver signify the message?”.
Currently, communication is not only through linguistic channels. An advertisement, a literary text, a musical melody, a dress, a vehicle, a film, or even flowers can also become a means of communication. In rhetoric, communication is also a very important phenomenon. There can be countless ways of showing one’s love to another person.
In accordance with scientific advancements, it is also possible to mention the communication between man and machine, machine and machine. Perhaps the question of how to analyze the meaning in communication between a human-machine hybrid creature and the machine will soon be very important. In such communications, there is also a transmission of meaning. This means semiotics is a necessary theory and method for such forms of communication.
Scientific curiosity is not limited to human beings. Is there communication between all living things? Some earlier intuitive knowledge is being re-explored scientifically. In the future, human beings will also want to use the findings that are beneficial in communication between animals for themselves. Similarly, people desire to communicate with other living species to sustain their lives more conveniently and comfortably. We can also talk about communication between human-human, human-animal, human-nature, and even nature-animal. It is possible to benefit from semiotics in all these forms of communication.
Semiotics has many current issues to address within its own theory and method framework. Does it have something to say about fake news in today’s virtual communication environment, will semiotics has its own approaches regarding daily lifestyle, big data, economy, politics, and ecology? Would they be trendy information or theoretical approaches and solutions that will make a significant contribution to problems? Balıkesir International Semiotics Meetings aim to discuss such questions and inquiries and the answers given to them in the historical development process of semiotics with the participation of distinguished semiotic experts, academicians, and students from Türkiye and the world.
The “Balıkesir International Semiotics Meetings under the Light of Different Sciences”, which will last for five days, will be held at Adrina Thermal Health & SPA Hotel in Güre, Balıkesir, at the foothills of Kaz Mountains, one of the most oxygen-rich regions of the world, among olive trees and in the unique refreshing atmosphere of the Aegean Sea.
National and international cooperating institutions and organizations
Balıkesir Governorship
Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality
Balıkesir University
ANASEM- Anatolian Association for Semiotic Studies
CeReS- Centre d’Etudes Sémiotiques-
EPHEP- Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études-Paris
FACETS- Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies
IASS-AIS- The International Association for Semiotic Studies — L’Association Internationale de Sémiotique Université Paris8-Vincennes Saint Denis
NE10 Urban Research and Technology Development Center
TGÇ- Semiotics Circle of Türkiye
TAMGA-Journal of Turkish Semiotic Studies
Title-Name-Surname | Institution | Subject |
Prof. Dr. Bruno Canque | EPHE-Paris University | Questions et propositions pour une Sémiotique du vivant [Questions and suggestions for the semiotics of living] |
Prof. Dr. Denis Bertrand | Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis University | *De la traverse et du rail: pour une sémiotique de la matérialité *Convergences sémiotiques, entre social, écologique, politique et mythique: la figure de Greta Thunberg [Semiotic convergences between society, environment, governance, and myth: The case of Greta Thunberg] |
Prof. Dr. V. Doğan Günay-Betül Çanakpınar | Dokuz Eylül University- İstinye University | Siyasal söyleme göstergebilimsel yaklaşım [Semiotic approach to the political discourse] |
Prof. Dr. Halime Yücel | Galatasaray University | İletişim, reklam ve göstergebilim [Comunication, advertisement, and semiotics] |
Prof. Dr. Jacques Fontanille | Limoges University | *L’analyse des formes de vie: théories, méthodes, exemples [Analysis of life forms: theories, methods, example] *Des formes de vie collectives coopératives et écologiques [Collective, cooperative, and ecological life forms] |
Prof. Dr. Jose Paz Gago | Coruña University | Fashion and semiotics |
Prof. Dr. Massimo Leone | Turin University | Digital culture and semiotics |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Kalelioğlu- Hilal Yurtseven | Mardin Artuklu University- İstanbul University | Afet Göstergebilimi: Depremin Dili, Dilin Depremi [Semiotics of catastrophe: Language of the earthquake, the earthquake of language] |
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Özsarı- Sedanur Kaya | Balıkesir University | Edebiyat Eleştirisi ve Göstergebilim [Literary criticism and semiotics] |
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sarıca | Aydın Adnan Menderes University | Söylenbilim ve göstergebilim [Mythology and semiotics] |
Prof. Dr. Nurten Sarıca | Pamukkale University | Göstergebilimsel açıdan çocuk dili [Child language in a semiological perspective] |
Mürsel Sabancı- Elif Binici- Dr. Rahmi Melih Cortuk | Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality -NE10 Urban Research and Technology Development Center | Balıkesir’in sembolleri: Göstergebilimsel bir yaklaşım [Symbols of Balıkesir: A semiotic approach] |
Important notes
*This event is open to all national and international academicians, students, and experts free of charge.
*Participants are not charged for the 5-day training.
* A Participation Certificate will be given to the attendees at the end of the program.
*During the event, lectures will be held between 09.00-14.00 and the participants will be free for social and cultural activities by the sea after 14.00.
*Participants will be responsible for their own food and accommodation costs. (The region where the event will be held is a famous touristic region and there are different accommodation options suitable for every budget. It is recommended to book your place in advance).
*To participate in this event, please fill in the Participation Form provided below and send it to the specified e-mail address (
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