A Semiotic Perspective of Cognition: John Deely on the Role of Signs in Human Knowing (January 7)
Do your best… and you will rise to the occasion of this new beginning revolving around signs and human cognition.
A lecture followed by the closing ceremony of the IO2S Deely, featuring a line-up of very distinguished guests.

IO2S ⚘ A Semiotic Perspective of Cognition: John Deely on the Role of Signs in Human Knowing
January 7, 2023 / 10pm (IST), 4h30pm (UTC)
Lecturer: Banzelão Teixeira
Commentators: Cristina Greco and John Hittinger
Guests: Brian Kemple, Brooke Williams Deely, Donald Favareau, Farouk Y. Seif, Hamid Malekzadeh, Inna Merkulova, Joseph DeChicchis, Mário Santiago de Carvalho, Br. Norman Hipps, O.S.B., Olga Lavrenova, Paul Cobley, William Passarini
Chair: Elma Berisha and Yulia Nikitenko
Meeting room: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/my/io2s.deely
Stream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkqaP8Cgnt8
Banzelão Teixeira obtained a Master’s degree in philosophy in 2001 from Divyadaan: Salesian Institute of Philosophy, Nashik, India. In 2016, he completed his doctorate in philosophy from the Salesian Pontifical University, Rome, on the topic “The Tractatus de Signis of John Poinsot and the New Realism: A Study of John Deely’s Proposal.” Presently he is the Director of Divyadaan: Salesian Institute of Philosophy where he holds the chair of Philosophy of Communication. He is also the editor of Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy and Education. He is interested in hermeneutics, communication, semiotics and ecology. His recent publications in the field of semiotics include: “The Notion of Sign in Augustine, Aquinas, Poinsot,” (2016); “Semiotic Revolution in the 4th Century: Assessing Augustine’s Contribution to the Ancient Discussion on the Sign,” (2017); 21st Century Realism: John Deely’s Recovery of Poinsot’s Doctrine of Signs (2018); “The Supra-subjective Nature of Relation: John Deely’s ‘Semiotic’ Response to the Modern Impasse,” (2018); “The Semiotic Proposal of John Poinsot: A Brief Overview of Tractatus de Signis,” (2018); and “The Role of Signs within Cognition: A Semiotic View of the Process of Knowing,” (2020).
Cristina Greco is Assistant Professor of Semiotics and Communication, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, and Head of the Communication Research Unit (CRU) at the Jeddah College of Advertising, University of Business and Technology (KSA). She holds a PhD in Communication Sciences with a thesis in Semiotics of Culture at the Department of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). Her research interests include semiotics of culture, media and communication studies, visual culture, city identity, intelligent and emerging media with a focus on the theories of collective memory and cultural identity. She was guest lecturer at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) for the Máster Universitario en Producción Artística, Facultad de Bellas Artes, and at the Ghent University (Belgium) for the Department of Literary Studies, with lectures on visual studies, urban art, comics, and communication. She also taught “Ethnographic Analysis”, seminars and workshops at the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), and “Semiotics of Design” at the D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy). Her publications include: “Beyond the Myth. The Perfection of Being Imperfect Mother in Contemporary Advertising” (Lexia, 2022); “Food Heritage, Memory and Cultural Identity in Saudi Arabia: The Case of Jeddah” with Bolero, M. (Springer, 2021); “Suspended Identity: The Concept of Ius Soli among Memory, Boundary and Otherness” with Boero, M. (RIFL/SFL 2018: 16-25); “Dall’autobiografia al documento. Il graphic novel tra memoria archiviata e svelamento dell’illusione in Anne Frank. The Anne Frank House Authorized Graphic Biography” (Signa 26, 2017); and “Translating Cultural Identities, Permeating Boundaries. Autobiographical and Testimonial Narratives of Second-Generation Immigrant Women”, in Olivito E., ed. (Routledge 2015).
Dr. John Hittinger is Professor of Philosophy at the University of St. Thomas and the Director of John Paul II Studies. He has published articles and presented papers on a variety of topics including John Locke, Jacques Maritain, military ethics, liberal education, political philosophy, and the thought of John Paul II. Among other titles, Dr. Hittinger authored The Vocation of the Catholic Philosopher: From Maritain to John Paul II and Liberty, Wisdom, and Grace: Thomism and Democratic Political Theory. Hittinger worked with John Deely for many years while in the Center for Thomistic Studies and he was the first speaker in the John Deely/Jacques Maritain Lecture Series at Saint Vincent College in 2018.
You are welcome to read the bionotes of all our distinguished guests in our homepage.
Homepage: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/uidief/act/io2s
Auditorium: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/uidief/act/io2s/auditorium
This event is part of the 2022 International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing, cooperatively organized by the Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, the Lyceum Institute, the Deely Project, Saint Vincent College, the Iranian Society for Phenomenology at the Iranian Political Science Association, the International Association for Semiotics of Space and Time, the Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Semiotic Society of America, the American Maritain Association, the International Association for Semiotic Studies, the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies, the International Center for Semiotics and Intercultural Dialogue, Moscow State Academic University for the Humanities and the Mansarda Acesa with the support of the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of the Government of Portugal under the UID/FIL/00010/2020 project.
The official graphic designer of the IO2S DEELY is Zahra Soltani Tehrani.
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