A New Imaginary of Asia: Towards an Identity for Asian Semiotics

Symposium for Founding the International Association of Asian Semiotics (IAAS)

Date and Time: 27 November 2021; 1 pm – 7 pm (East Asian Time, Seoul)

Modality: Virtual, via Zoom



ID: 895 1271 4694

PW: 2p}W2g+C8y


Organized by Center for Applied Cultural Sciences, Korea University; Faculty of Liberal Arts, Korea University

Participation: Korean Society of Semiotic Studies, International Association for Semiotic Studies             


1. Opening Session & Plenary Lecture

Moderator: Kyung-Ran KO (Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

1:00 pm – 1:20 pm

Opening Session


Opening Address:

Sung-Do KIM (Professor, Korea University & Vice-President of the IASS)


Celebrating Message:

Yong-Ho CHOI (Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies & President of the Korean  Association for Semiotic Studies)


Celebrating Message:

Kristian BANKOV (Professor, New Bulgarian University and University of Sichuan in China;    Secretary General of the IASS)

1:20 pm – 1:50. pm

Plenary Lecture:

Ishida Hidetaka (Professor, University of Tokyo)
‘Introducing an Asian Semiotic Initiative:History and a New Perspective’


Discussion and Q&A

2. Main Session I: The Voices of Asian Semioticians

Moderator: Il-Woo PARK (Professor Emeritus, University of Kaemyung & Invited Professor, Korea University)

2:00 pm – 2:15 pm

P Jie ZHANG (Professor, Nanjing Normal University, China) & Yongxiang WANG (Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, and Dean at School of Foreign Languages & Cultures, Nanjing Normal University, China)

‘Cultural Signs and Asian Community’

2:15 pm –2:30 pm

Hongbin YU (Professor, Nanjing Normal University, China)

‘How to Steer Clear of the Essentialist Trap in the So-called Intercultural Communication: A Lesson from Semiotics’

2:30 pm – 2:45 pm

Reza SHAIRI (Professor, University of the Tarbiat Modares, Iran) &

Reza Rezaei (Professeur of linguistics at Yasouj University. Iran)

‘Transaxiological Practices: Interchangeable Values in Becoming’

2:45 pm – 3:00pm

Discussion and Q&A

Discussant: Kristian BANKOV (Professor, New Bulgarian University and University of Sichuan in China; Secretary General of the IASS), Professor Sung-Do KIM (Korea University)

3:00 pm – 3:15 pm

Yo-Sung PARK (Professor, Jeju National University, Korea)

‘Semiotic Agenda for Asian Culinary Discourse’

3:15 pm – 3:30 pm

Dinh Hong Hai & Trinh Ba Dinh (Ph.D., Professor, National University, Hanoi, Vietnam)

‘A Century of Semiotics: The Role and Reality of Semiotics in the Post-colonial Vietnam’

3:30 pm – 3:40 pm

Discussion and Q & A

Discussant: Kyung-Ran KO (Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), Yongxiang WANG (Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, and Dean at School of Foreign Languages & Cultures, Nanjing Normal University, China)

3:40 pm – 3.55 pm

Seema KWANWALTER (Professor, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India)

‘Semiotic Horizons of Indian Cultures (Tentative)’

3:55 pm – 4:10 pm

Yunhee LEE (Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

‘Place in Imagination: Person, Place, and Narrating Selfhood’

4:10 pm – 4:25 pm

Discussion and Q&A


Prof. Su-Whan KIM. Reza REZAEI (Professeur of linguistics at Yasouj University. Iran)

4:25 pm – 4:45 pm


3. Main Session II: The Voices of European Semioticians and Human Scientists

Moderator: Sung-Do KIM (Professor, Korea University & Vice-President of the IASS)

4:45pm – 5:00pm

Massimo LEONE (Professor, University of Torino, Italy & Editor-in-Chief of Semiotica): ‘The Oriental Abduction: A Short Semiotic History of the Serendipity’

5:00 pm – 5:15 pm

Pascal LARDELLIER (Professor, University of Burgundy, France):

‘The Covid as a Semiotical Disease. Language, Media, Behaviors, Rituals, and Relations’

4:50 pm – 5:00 pm

Discussion and Q &A

Discussant: Prof. Yong-Ho CHOI, Seema KHANWALKAR (Professor, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India)

5:00 pm – 5:15pm

Inna MERKOULOVA (State Academic University for the Humanities – GAUGN, Moscow, Russia):

‘Semiotics of Culture and Ethics of the Literary Beauty’

5:15 pm – 5:30 pm

Chema PAZ GAGO (Professor, University of La Coruna, Spain)

‘Fashion grammars: Visual Semiotics and New Fashion’

5:30 pm – 5:45 pm

Kristian BANKOV (Professor, New Bulgarian University and Sichuan University, China; Secretary General of the IASS):

‘Interactive Annunciation in Digital Culture’

5:45 pm – 6:00 pm

Discussion and Q &A

Discussant: Il-Woo PARK (Professor Emeritus, University of Kaemyung & Invited Professor, Korea University), Yo-Sung PARK (Professor, Jeju National University, Korea)

6:00-6:15. Pause.

4. Final session: Round Table & Concluding Remarks

Moderator: Hongbin YU (Professor, Nanjing Normal University, China):

6:15-6.25 pm

Sung Di KIM (Professor, Korea University)

‘Some Introductory Notes’


Round Table

Theme: Towards a New Identity for Asian Semiotics:

Why an Asian Semiotics?

What is an Asian Semiotics?

How to Construct It?

Panelists: Prof. Hidetaka, Prof. Wang, Prof. Dinh, Prof. Park, Prof. Shairi, Prof. Leone, Prof. Lardellier,Prof. Merkoulova, Prof Bankov,    & All speakers and discussants

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