9th IASS-AIS World Congress of Semiotics, Helsinki-Imatra , June 11-17Provisional program
Monday, June 11
12.00–16.00 Registration
16.00–17.00 Opening of the 9th IASS –AIS World Congress of Semiotics
17.00–18.00 Plenary lecture
18.00 Reception of the Helsinki University
Tuesday, June 12
09.00 -10.00 Plenary on Fenno-Ugrian Innovations and Traditions in
10.00 -10.30 Coffee break
10.30 -13.00 Sessions
13.00 -14.30 Lunch break
14.30 -17.00 Sessions
17.00–17.30 Coffee break
1730–18.30 Plenary lecture
20.30 Gala Dinner
Wednesday, June 13
09.00 -10.00 Fenno-Ugrian Plenary
10.00 -10.30 Coffee break
10.30 -13.00 Sessions
13.00 -14.30 Lunch break
14.30 -17.00 Sessions
17.00–17.30 Coffee break
1730–18.30 Plenary lecture
19.00- Reception of the City of Helsinki
Thursday, June 14
10.00 A Train to Imatra
From Helsinki Railway station
12.50 Arrival at Imatra
transportation to Hotels and lodging
13.30–15.00 Lunch break
15.00–-17.00 General Assembly of IASS
17.00–17.30 Coffee Break
17.30–18.30 Plenary Lecture
20.00 Garden Party, Reception of the City of Imatra
Friday, June 15
09.00–10.00 Fenno-Ugrian Plenary
10.00 -10.30 Coffee break
10.30 -13.00 Sessions
13.00 -14.30 Lunch Break
14.30 -17.00 Sessions
17.00–17.30 Coffee break
1730–18.30 Plenary lecture
19.00 Imatra Rapids surge
21.00 Puppet Theatre Festival
Saturday, June 16
09.00–10.00 Fenno-Ugrian Plenary
10.00 -10.30 Coffee break
10.30 -13.00 Sessions
13.00 -14.30 Lunch Break
14.30 -17.00 Sessions
17.00–17.30 Coffee break
1730–18.30 Plenary lecture
20.30 Tango evening
Sunday, June 17
09.00–10.00 Fenno-Ugrian Plenary
10.00 -10.30 Coffee break
10.30 -11.30 Sessions
11.45–12.45 Closure
12.45 -14.00 Lunch Break
An Excursion to St. Petersburg, June 18–20 |
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