6th Congress of the IASS-AIS
Organizing and Scientific Committees
Organizing Committee & Executive Committee of the Mexican Association for Semiotic Studies):
Adrián Gimate-Welsh (UAM-I)
Honorary Presidents:
José Pascual Buxó (UNAM)
Ricardo Pozas Horcasitas (UNAM)
Rebeca Barriga Villanueva (COLMEX)
Gilberto Giménez (UNAM)
Luis Fernando Lara (COLEMX)
Secretary General and Treasurer:
Regina Jiménez-Ottalengo (UNAM)
Communication and Culture Coordinators:
María Rayo Sankey García (BUAP) Juan Manuel López (UAM-A)
Screening Committee Mexico:
Adrián S. Gimate-Welsh (UAM-I) Chair
José Pascual Buxó (UNAM-IIB)
Screening Committee Europe:
Dinda L. Gorlée (The Netherlands) – Chair
Jesper Hoffmeyer (Denmark)
René Jorna (The Netherlands)
José Romera Castillo (Spain)
Sandra Schillemans (Belgium)
Honorary Executive Committee:
Josße Francisco Barnés de Castro (Rector – UNAM)
Julio Rubio Oca (Rector General – UAM)
Andrés Lira (President – El Colegio de México)
José Luis Gázquez Mateos (Rector – UAM-I)
Edmundo Jacobo Molina (Rector UAM-A)
Guillermo Schmidhuber de la Mora (Srio. de Cultura, Jalisco)
Scientific Committee
Pierre Pellegrino (Switzerland) Chair
Jeff Bernard (Austria)
John Deely (USA)
Gérard Deledalle (France)
Takashi Fujimoto (Japan)
Richard L. Lanigan (USA)
Solomon Marcus (Romania)
Magdolna Orosz (Hungary)
Roland Posner (Germany)
Rosa María Ravera (Argentina)
Horst Ruthrof (Australia)
Lúcia Santaella Braga (Brazil)
Eero Tarasti (Finland)
Vilmos Voigt (Hungary)
Thomas A. Sebeok (USA)
Gloria Withalm (Austria)
The CD-ROM with the Proceedings, edited by Adrián S. Gimate-Welsh, has appeared right before the Dresden Congress, in 1999.
[A second publication, Ensayos Semióticos – a selection of papers, edited by Adrián S. Gimate-Welsh – was published in 2000].
Adrián Gimate-Welsh (ed.). (1999).
La Semiotica. Intersección entre la Naturaleza y la Cultura / Semiotics Bridging Nature and Culture / La sémotique: carrefour de la nature et de la culture.
Proceedings of the 6th Congress of the IASS-AIS, Guadalajara, Mexico, 13-19 July, 1999.
Mexico City. CD-ROM
For further information and/or orders (US$ 15 + postage) contact the editor:
Adrián S. Gimate-Welsh
Pacífico #350, H 103
Los Reyes, Coyoacan,
México D.F. 04330
fax: +52-4-5495764 & +52-22-430418
email: <agw@xanum.uam.mx >
email: <rsankey@infosel.net.mx >
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