The 2nd IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop

The 2nd IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop
Semiotics and Intercultural Communication

Following the success of its debut in 2018, our exciting annual program IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop continues into its second year in celebrating decades of international exchange, cooperation and coordination in the global arena of semiotics. Hosted at the School of Foreign Languages & Cultures (SFLC) of Nanjing Normal University, the program exists under the auspices of the International Association for Semiotic Studies and features both genuinely and comprehensively semiotic topics as well as representative events in honor of world-famous scholars in semiotics.

The 2nd IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop will be held on the Suiyuan Campus of Nanjing Normal University from July 5 to 7, 2019. The central theme of the workshop this year will be “Semiotics and Intercultural Communication”, affording a much-needed interdisciplinary platform of cultural semiotics for discussions related to current opportunities and challenges in globalization nowadays. Relevant subject matters include but are not limited to:

  • Literature as a Semiotic Mode in Intercultural Communication
  • Non-verbal Communication in Intercultural Dealings
  • Signs in Use in Global Social Media
  • Semiotics of Cultural Memory and Oblivion in Globalized World
  • Multimodality in Second/Foreign Language Teaching & Learning
  • Cognitive and Biosemiotic Perspectives on Intercultural Communication

Guest speakers who will be presenting keynote speeches at the workshop this year are foremost international scholars in cultural semiotics and related fields (Updates will be provided later). There will also be sessions dedicated to instruction in academic writing and publishing given by invited editors of esteemed journals.

There are two ways to register for the Workshop:

  1. Participants who do not wish to present papers should register by sending an email to, including your full name, email, country, organization. The deadline for registration without presentations is April 30, 2019. Please pay the IASS-AIS membership fee (more information below) by April 30, 2019 as well.

  1. Participants who wish to present individual papers should register by submitting their abstracts (300 to 600 words with 3-5 keywords) to You will need to create an EasyChair account for submissions. The deadline for submissions is May 5, 2019. Once your abstract is accepted, you will be asked to pay the IASS-AIS membership fee (more information below).

IASS-AIS Membership and Workshop Fees:

The registration fee for the Workshop is two-fold: IASS-AIS Membership fee and Workshop Fee. Payment of your IASS-AIS Membership fee means you have booked seats at the Workshop. You will need to pay the Workshop fee to attend the event.

Active membership (valid by at least December 31st, 2019) of the IASS-AIS is obligatory for participating in IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshops, as well as IASS-AIS World Congresses in the congress years. In addition, membership enables you to keep up to date with semiotics globally and receiving communications from the President and the IASS-AIS in general.

Membership Fees:

Please visit and select either of the following membership categories (25 euros or 45 euros) to pay your membership fee online. Please keep the record of your payment in a PDF, JPEG or JPG document and send the document to to indicate that you have registered for the Workshop.

  • Standard’ membership @ €25 per person = individual membership with 5 De Gruyter tokens*

(i.e. €150 in monetary value)

  • ‘Gold’ membership @ €45 per person = standard individual membership + 15 De Gruyter tokens

(i.e. €450 in monetary value)

*De Gruyter tokens give you access to academic publications of De Gruyter.

Workshop Fees: (Payment method to be added)

  • Regular – 1500 yuan
  • Current Member – 1000 yuan
  • Student – 1000 yuan
  • Current Student Member – 600 yuan

In each of the above categories, participants who wish to present their papers in panel sessions during the Workshop will not be charged extra registration fees. To register as Student participants, relevant proofs of identity (valid student ID cards, webpages, etc.) will be required. To register as current IASS-AIS members, you will need to provide evidence for your active membership (valid by at least December 31, 2019). Newly registered members at the 2019 Workshop will be eligible for registration fee reductions in future workshops.

Endorsed by IASS-AIS, this flagship initiative will represent a superb opportunity to unite Asian semiotics and to shine a beacon for both Eastern and Western semioticians. We are extending warm invitations to our fellow semioticians both at home and abroad. Participants will have full access to all the talks, panels and group discussions during the workshop. At the conclusion of the workshop, each qualified full-time participant will receive an official certificate of the IASS-AIS Advanced Semiotics Workshop.

In accordance with the principle of inclusion of IASS-AIS, the workshop does not set a limit on the number of participants. However, we strongly encourage early registration, as it will be the peak season of conferences on the campus and there might be difficulties securing a room in the nearest hotels in the cases of late registration.

We look forward to meeting you in Nanjing in July.

May we all have a great start to the new year of semiotics in 2019!

For inquiries, please contact us at

2019 Workshop Organizing Committee


Program Committee

 Jie ZHANG, Treasurer and Chinese National Representative of IASS-AIS; Leader of China

Semiotic Alliance; Academic Lead, SFLC, NNU

  • Zhijun YAN, Dean, School of Foreign Languages & Cultures (SFLC), NNU
  • Paul COBLEY, President of IASS-AIS; Middlesex University
  • Yongxiang WANG, Vice Dean, SFLC, NNU; Chinese National Representative of IASS
  • Hongbing YU, ASW 2019 Host; Associate Editor of Semiotica, IASS-AIS

Organizing committee

  • Yidong WU, Vice Dean, SFLC, NNU
  • Lei XIAO, Director, Main Office of SFLC, NNU
  • Youyi ZHU, Vice Director, College English Dept., SFLC, NNU
  • Penghua XU, Academic Administrator, SFLC, NNU
  • Xiaomei GU, Media Administrator, SFLC, NNU
  • Biying ZHANG, Graduate Counselor, SFLC, NNU

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