15th International Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar of Musical Semiotics, March 2-6, 2015

15th International  Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar of  Musical Semiotics,  March 2-6, 2015

Organizer: Musicology  at the Institute for Philosophy, History, Arts and Culture, University of Helsinki, Finland

address: Topelia, Unioninkatu 38 C,  00014 University of Helsinki

The traditional  international seminar convenes under direction of Professor Eero Tarasti; co-directors are Prof. Marta Grabocz (Strasbourg) and Prof Jean-Marie Jacono (Université Aix-Marseille).

The participants present their research projects; languages are English and French. There is no participation fee, but attendants have to provide their travels,  room and board.

Applications to seminar with a short CV (half a page), affiliation,  title of the project and its abstract (one page)  should be sent to  eero.tarasti@helsinki.fi  and  irma.vierimaa@helsinki.fi  by Feb. 1st, 2015.

Accommodation at the University Guest House Töölö Towers. Single room for one week costs 318 €, breakfast included (same price for shorter periods). Reservation by the organizers (Irma Vierimaa). Please, do the reservation in time. During the seminar refreshments are served, lunch 5-10 €. Information about other accommodation possibilities you can find at the official tourist info pages of Helsinki.

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