10th Congress of the IASS-AIS (call for papers)
This is the first call for papers for the 10th World Congress of Semiotics which will be held from 22nd to 26th September 2009 in the city of A Coruña (Spain)We would like to encourage you to send your proposals for individual presentations, which may or may not be integrated within round tables, seminars or thematic sessions, before April 30th, 2009. You will receive a letter of acceptance, issued by the Committee one month after reception of the proposal (for grants or reimbursements at the institutions of origin). Each proposal must consist of an abstract (of approximately 300 words) and a brief CV which must include your affiliation.
You have to be duly registered for the congress by filling in the corresponding electronic registration form, which will provide you free access to send your papers. The abstract should be typed within the text processor included in the communication form. Please use ARIAL font, size 2. Any additional files should be attached in the Abstract File section. No categories have been defined for papers so it is necessary to include at least 3 key words. If your paper is not accepted and you decide not to come to the congress, the registration fees will be returned.
Each registration and paper for presentation requires payment. If there is more than one author for a paper, each one of them should be duly registered for the congress.
Rules for presentating papers
The deadline for presenting abstracts is 15 June 2009.
Presentation time for papers is limited to 15 minutes.
The deadline for presenting the complete text is October, 15th 2009.
Papers should be sent in .doc (Word) format, identified by the author’s first surname.
Papers can be presented in French, Spanish, German or English.
Maximum length is 10 pages.
Spacing should be 1.5. Font Times 11.
The first page should start with:
. Two blank lines
. Corresponding thematic section
. TITLE: Centred, in capitals and bold
. Name and SURNAMES of the author(s). Centred.
. Entity/Institution the author belongs to.
. E-mail address/website
Section headings, after the indentation, should be as follows:
1.1. The next heading in bold and lower case letters
1.1.1 The next heading in italics and lower case letters The next in normal script
A blank line should be left between one heading and the next.
Notes should be reduced to the absolute minimum and placed at the end of the text.
The Harward system (Morris 1971: 287-294) should be used for bibliographical references, with a list at the end in the following format:
Barthes, Roland (1970): Elements of Semiology. Tr. A. Lavers
and C. Smith. Boston: Beacon Press.
Bouissac, Paul (1976b): “The golden legend of Semiotics”,
Semiotica, 17 (4): 371-382.
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