Romanian Association of Semiotic Studies, Roumanie
Apres quarante ans d’études et en ayant la chance d’être original d’une région de la Roumanie ou on parle encore un idiome de la langue des dacs, le département de Maramures, j’ai réussi reconstruire a bonne partie la langue archétypale de l’Europe.
Cette langue c’est la même de quelle le grand linguiste Guillaume Rergmann affirme en XVIIIème siècle dans son œuvre célèbre « Les Gètes », que c’est l’ancienne langue qu’on parle encore en toute l’Europe de XIIIème siècle. Il affirme, pour la première fois, que cette langue est blonogramique / motivée et profondément palatalisée, que c’est la même que la langue des étrusques ou des traques et qu’elle est d’origine vlacho-pelasgiques. Dans la langue sainte, l’onomastique du nom « VALAHALLA » signifie« Les fils de Dieu ». Si on corrobore l’œuvre de Rergmann avec celle de Charles Hure, « L’écriture Sainte de l’Europe OT », on peut facilement constater qu’on a à faire avec des mots en majorité vlacho-traques.
Personne n’a réussi, jusqu’à présent, faire une traduction complète des écrits étrusques ou traques, parce qu’on n’as pas connu la prononciation exacte des mots en ces temps-là.
En ce que me concerne, j’ai réussi comprendre et étudier la prononciation diftongisée de la langue archétypale et j’ai réussi réaliser quelques traductions des écrits tracho-etrusques qui est la même langue que la langue vlacho-pelasgique.
Who are the Etruscans?
The Etruscans are a nation that historians locate in the Italian peninsula. But I believe that they are identical to the Thracians and to the Trojans, so in conclusion they occupy in the antiquity the entire Aegean-Mediterranean-Balkan area.
According to my studies I have come to the conclusion that the Etruscans are of Vlachian -Pelasgian - Scythian origin. The last nation left from the Vlachian-Pelasgian origin in Europe is the Romanian people and its language. Because of these considerations I can now understand and translate many of the Etruscan words. In conclusion the Romanian language is an archetypal language, one of the first languages of Europe.
Six years ago I met, in a village in the North of Romania, some descendants of an old voievodal/princely family who were still speaking an idiom of the Dacian or Getae language.
Studying this idiom I have found that all the root words of this vocabulary can be found in the majority of today European languages.
In 1782 the great historian and linguist Guillaume Rergmann, professor at the University of Strasbourg, was invited by the French Academy to write a history of Europe. He entitled his book “Getae”, because Rergmann considered that the Getae or the Dacians are the oldest residents of Europe.
He says that the Getae language was spoken since the XIII century B.C. on the entire European territory. He was the first scientist of the modern age who mentioned the name of Decebal, the king of the Dacians in their language “DAVAKHAVLAS”, meaning GOLDEN EAGLE. Rergmann also said that the Getae are descended from the Scythians, who are their parents, and I believe that the Scythians are descended from the Vlacho-pelasgians.
When we talk about Vlachs, we speak about VALAHALA, name that means in the Holy language “the sons of God”. The last people who preserve this name are Romanians, who have the same identity with the Vlachs.
For this reason I now have the chance to decipher the text in the Thracian language of the ring found at Ezerovo in Bulgaria, close to the city Plovdiv. In the getae language Plovdiv means plain/field fortress/castle PLAVADAVA.
The golden ring of Ezerovo found in 1912 is an artifact of Thracian or Dacian identity from the VI century B.C. It must not be forgotten the fact that at that time the territory of Bulgaria was a part of what the historians name “Dacia Mediteraneea” with the capital at Serdica – Sofia today.
The text must be read with the pronunciation of that time. No inscriptions of a Pelasgian, Etruscan or Thracian text can not be decipher if it is not known the pronunciation of the text in period it was written.
It can be found plenty of words from Etruscan or thraco-getae texts in the Romanian language until today.
Text the ring of Ezerovo:
“My name is Rolistene, born Renea. Tiltean is the name of the land that I own. The ground that I walk, TILEZYPTA is my life.”
The verb “to be” as “AS” or “ÎS” is named the same today in the Romanian language, so is the word ARA which means area, clay/argil, soil. ZHATA, ZEATA, VIATAwhich means life.
Another ancient inscription found on the LEMNOS island from Greece in 1885, represents a text form the VI century B.C. written in vlacho-pelasgian, language that resembles a lot with Etruscan.
The text of the funeral stele in Lemnos:
“Nicholas wasn’t my support today. He left and he didn’t took anything with him. My dream ruined along with him. Leave my dearest, with clear soul. He left.. He ruined dying…”
The language is one of the few evidence of strength with which the Romanians can prove their identity and their age, their European primacy.
Here are some root words, the matrix words of the European archetypal language which are still kept with the same meaning only in the Romanian language:
AR-from this sacred word are born the words area, argil, arbeit, area, servant-argat. AR in the old language of the Romanian people means peasant- taran- terran. From here are formed the words tsar-tar, Cesar, Kaiser.
IN, INA – flower. The flax “in” is the first flower of clothing, the flower of Enoch mentioned in the Bible. All the flowers are protected in the GARDEN – EN – IN –ENA
Gradina in Romanian
Giardino in Italian
Garten in German
Tradgard in Sweden
Garden in English
The word fence – gard in Romanian means protection, enclosure, guard and it is used today with the same meaning. Names of flowers and plants kept until todayjasmine, root, flax, grain
IZ, IZA – in Dacian language water, source, river
In Romanian IZ
In Hungarian VIZ
In Slavic EZERO
From here comes the word “to baptize” which means to beat water. The hydronyms TISA, IZA, TAMISA,MORAVIZA, BISTRIZA, IALOMIZA
AM, AMA – root that forms the word “mother” – mama
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